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How to Get Rid of a Stiff Neck

How to Get Rid of a Stiff Neck

Bottom Line:

A stiff neck can often be traced to postural issues that contribute to weakened neck muscles.

The majority of us are working on computers and staring down at smartphones for hours on end each day, and that’s left an estimated 20% of us living with daily neck pain over this past year.

That’s because weakened muscular support means additional stress on your spinal joints.

Over time, that extra stress can change how you move and increase the pressure on your spinal discs, which can eventually lead to neck pain.
Why it Matters:

That habit of looking down at our computers or phones all day often means we’re living with chronically tired neck muscles.

That stress adds up and can also result in the joints of your neck not moving correctly.

At that point, it's only a matter of time before you wake up with a stiff neck or turn your head during the day and are greeted by an intense muscle discomfort or pain.

Wondering how to get rid of a stiff neck?

Here are 3 smart steps you can take:

  • 1. Perform range of motion focused exercises each day that both stretch and strengthen the muscles that support the joints in your neck.
  • 2. Invest in a supportive pillow that you find comfortable for how you sleep and will keep your head in a neutral position throughout the night.
  • 3. Schedule regular spinal adjustments to help maintain proper movement patterns with regard to your neck and spinal joints.

Next Steps:
Small adjustments can equal big changes in your quality of life - especially when it comes to how to get rid of a stiff neck - and our team is here to help!

Our focus is on helping you function better so you can feel better, and we don’t stop at adjusting your spine.

We’ll also work with you to provide you with stretches and exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home to boost the effects of our care.

So, if neck pain has gotten in the way of you enjoying your life and you're looking for natural neck pain treatment in Singapore, give us a call and schedule that next appointment today.

Your body will thank you!

Science Source(s):

How to Get Rid of a Stiff Neck. Cleveland Clinic. 2021.
The Epidemiology of Neck Pain. Physiopedia. 2021.

Why Does My Neck Hurt?

Bottom Line:

Believe it or not, the average weight of the human head is a full 11 pounds.

That may not seem like a lot, but imagine you had to actually hold that weight in your hands and up above your shoulders all day every day for the rest of your life.

That’s exactly the job your neck has to do.

What’s more, the bones and muscles of your neck need to work together in perfect harmony for you to move your head around and to do it without pain.

This is what really has you Googling “why does my neck hurt.”

It’s no surprise then that you may experience discomfort and maybe even pain as a result of postural changes, injuries, and arthritis in and around your neck.

Why it Matters:

If you've ever had a stiff neck and couldn't turn your head for a day or two, you know how completely distracting that pain can be.

Those sharp muscle spasms that restrict your ability to move - ouch!

However, what many of us don’t realize is that our body may be trying to protect a joint that isn't moving correctly.

Almost every bone in your neck has a pair of sliding joints towards the back called facet joints.

If an adhesion forms on those joints or they become “stuck,” your body will try to compensate, and that can lead to other challenges like muscle spasms if not addressed quickly.

If you’re living with neck pain and wondering “why does my neck hurt”, here’s what you’ll want to remember…

  • Sudden injuries, arthritis, and postural issues can all contribute to neck pain.
  • The small sliding joints (facet joints) of your neck can become “stuck'' and that condition can lead to muscle spasms and pain.
  • Gentle spinal adjustments combined with daily stretching can help restore the motion of your facet joints and reduce your pain.

Next Steps:

In short, you can stop wondering “why does my neck hurt.”

A stiff neck is your body's way of saying "pay attention"!

And even if that stiffness comes and goes, it's a smart idea to have us evaluate what’s going on.

Taking care of small challenges before they become big issues is the definition of being proactive with your health.

You can reduce your risk of future episodes of neck pain and stiffness.

Whether neck pain is something you know all too well or something you hope to neve know, it’s a smart idea to give us a call.

We’re your neck pain treatment center Singapore, our doors are open, and we’re here to help!

Science Source(s):

The Cervical Spine Before, During and After Manipulation. The Spine Journal. 2018.
Facet Joint Syndrome. Cedars Sinai. 2021.

The Neck Pain Solution No One is Talking About

Bottom Line:

Get this.

There is a natural neck pain solution that works better than medications and is far less risky than injections or surgery.

This natural neck pain solution is often recommended by many physicians.

This natural neck pain solution is also recommended as a first line treatment by most major healthcare organizations.

So why hasn't the world embraced it?

That's a good question.

Why it Matters:

That natural neck pain solution is chiropractic care.

Chiropractors primarily focus on improving and maintaining the structure and function of your entire spine, and that includes your neck.

Gentle adjustments applied to the neck have been shown to effectively improve range of motion which can help reduce pain.

And get this.

Even a disc herniation doesn’t automatically mean your condition is too advanced for chiropractic care.

Research has shown that nearly 80% of people with a disc herniation in their neck found relief with spinal adjustments.

So, if you’ve been living with neck pain, here’s what we want you to know…

  • Drugs and surgeries usually aren't recommended for the care of neck pain due to their potential side effects and risks.
  • The Cleveland Clinic, American College of Physicians, and other high profile healthcare organizations support chiropractic adjustments for the care of neck issues.
  • Recent research has also shown that chiropractor provided spinal adjustments can provide more relief than steroid injections for neck pain caused by a disc herniation.

Next Steps:
Whether you’ve been living with neck pain for a day, a month, a year, or more, the first step to finding relief is finding out where it all started.

We want to help.

Our expert team has the compassion, know-how, and tools needed to uncover and treat the structural issue at the root of your pain.

So, if you or someone you know is living with neck pain, you should be looking for a chiropractor specializing in neck pain in Singapore.

We do, and we hope you’ll take a moment for yourself and give us a call today!

Science Source(s):

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis. Arthritis Foundation. 2020.
How to Get Rid of a Stiff Neck. Cleveland Clinic. 2021.
Cervical Disk Herniation Patients Treated with Spinal Manipulative Therapy. JMPT. 2013.
Symptomatic MRI-Confirmed Cervical Disk Herniation Patients. JMPT. 2016.

Neck Arthritis: Why Your Daily Habits Might Be to Blame

Bottom Line:

Arthritis is defined as the breakdown of the cartilage around your joints, and this condition can develop anywhere in your body.

Neck arthritis is quite common.

Arthritis is actually a normal part of the aging process.

Some of the most common symptoms associated with arthritis (including neck arthritis) are joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and a limited range of motion.

There’s good news.

While arthritis is normal and natural, the decisions we make each day can dramatically impact how likely it is to become more of a problem for us as we move up in years.

Why it Matters:

Thinning discs, bone spurs, and other arthritic changes naturally occur as we age.

These can be caused by injury, lifestyle factors, and, not surprisingly, gravity.

And many people who are diagnosed with arthritis believe they are destined for a life of pain.

That isn't true.

You can manage and even mitigate many of the perceived challenges of arthritis - including neck arthritis - by making positive decisions for your spinal health each and every day.

Here are 3 ways to stay proactive and reduce the effects of arthritis:

  • 1. Perform stretches and exercises that foster a balance of strength and flexibility daily
  • 2. Employ ergonomic strategies like keeping your monitor at eye level while working at your computer.
  • 3. Follow a diet that limits inflammatory foods that can contribute to pain and chronic inflammation.

Next Steps:
There is no “magic bullet” to prevent arthritis but making those small changes to your daily habits can absolutely help you minimize your risk of experiencing arthritis pain.

It's estimated that most habits form after about 60 days.

Can you commit to following the 3 healthy habits above for the next 60 days?


We know you can!

And if you’re experiencing any of the common arthritis symptoms we mentioned - especially if it’s neck arthritis or low back arthritis - be sure to give us a call.

Close to home chiropractic care for arthritis in Singapore may be just what you need.

Our caring and expert team will take a look at what’s going on and work together with you to restore your range of motion and ease the symptoms, naturally.

Science Source(s):

Osteoarthritis. University of Maryland Medical Center. 2007.
Arthritis. Mayo Clinic. 2021.
The Ultimate Arthritis Diet. Arthritis Foundation. 2021.