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Moving Your Way to Low Back Pain Relief

Say Goodbye to Low Back Pain: Understanding the Causes

For many of us, gone are the days where we can clean the house, go for a walk, play with the kids, play with our pets, or, if we’re being honest, simply go to sleep without putting ourselves at risk for neck or low back pain. Sound familiar? Surprise sleep injuries aside, if you’re all too familiar with back pain, you’ve come to the right place! As the leading low back pain specialist in Singapore, we know a thing or two about the common causes of low back pain. Keep reading to learn more about what might be behind yours and, more importantly, what you can do to say goodbye to low back pain.

Bottom Line:

Low back pain is the number one reason people worldwide visit their doctor and miss work.

If you've dealt with it in the past (or maybe even right now), you know back pain can change your life in an instant.

Not being able to enjoy hobbies, difficulty in your ability to work, and a sneaking suspicion that you may never get "back to normal" are all normal when you're experiencing a bout of back pain.

So why do so many people here in Singapore and around the world struggle with back pain?

In many cases, your daily habits are a big contributor to your back pain.

Why it Matters:

If you've been living with aches and pain, it's often connected to distorted movement patterns that affect your neuromusculoskeletal system - your brain, nerves, muscles, bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, etc.

And those abnormal movement patterns can happen for a variety of reasons that range from long hours at a computer and repetitive stress to sudden injuries.
That repetitive stress combined with nagging injuries, a diet filled with inflammatory foods, or a lack of daily exercise and movement can all contribute to an increased likelihood of back pain.

Common Causes of Low Back Pain

Here are the three most common causes of low back pain…

  • Sprain/Strain Injuries: Repetitive stress can create inflammation and lead to sprains or strains.
  • Spinal Disc Issues: Disc bulges and herniations can press on your spinal nerves, leading to back pain that travels to other parts of the body.
  • Arthritis: As you get older, your body will naturally go through some degenerative changes, and if your spinal joints become inflamed, you may notice some pain.

A whopping 80% of us will experience low back pain at some point in our lives, and none of us want to rely on pills to feel better.

The good news is that, in most cases, sprains and strains and joint issues can heal pretty quickly with the right care.

That's where we come in.

An overwhelming majority of people recover from back pain naturally or with a little additional help from a chiropractor.

So, if you’ve been searching for a low back pain specialist in Singapore, you’ve come to the right place!

Research supports the use of chiropractic care for the treatment of all causes of and all types of low back pain.

Get this.

In a recent study, researchers found that low back pain patients with disc issues who received chiropractic care experienced the same if not more relief than patients who underwent invasive back surgeries.

Next Steps:

While it may feel like you'll never get back to your old self, the odds are in your favor that you will!

And even if you typically seem to recover by taking it easy for a few days, it's still a smart decision to visit a chiropractor.

Chiropractic care has been part of the wellness conversation worldwide for well over 125 years, and our chiropractic practice is proud to serve the Singapore community now and for years to come.

Our low back pain specialists will work with you to determine both what’s at the root of your low back pain and the non-invasive treatment options that make sense for you.

Research also strongly suggests that periodic chiropractic care - just like dynamic stretching and regular exercise - can help prevent future episodes of low back pain.

So, if you haven't, be sure to have your next - or first - visit scheduled!

Science Source(s):

Back Pain Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Clinic. 2023.

The Movement Solution for Back Pain Relief

When we feel pain in our low back, what’s the first thing many of us tend to think? We need to lie down. We need to sit down. We need to rest so our back will feel better. We may think we need to reach for a bottle of Aleve - maybe a heating pad. Fair enough. Each of those methods has limited or short-term effectiveness at best, but they may help us find temporary relief. But what about when those nagging aches and pains in our back return the next day? Now that internal dialogue turns to - What’s the problem? What do I need to do so I don’t have to do the same thing day after day after day? As the go-to lower back pain specialist in Singapore, we’re glad you asked! Read on.

Bottom Line:

Simple movement can be one of the best ways to find all natural back pain relief.

In fact, science has shown us that medications and rest are actually a few of the least effective ways to find relief!

In one recent study, researchers found that 60% of participants with symptomatic cases of sciatica benefitted from chiropractic adjustments to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention.


Your body is designed to move, and often it's a lack of daily movement (or chronic postural changes) that causes back pain to begin in the first place.

Why it Matters:

When your joints aren't moving correctly, the rest of your body isn’t moving correctly, and that’s when pain can strike.

The right movements and exercises can help you recover more quickly and prevent future back pain episodes.

There are three different types of body movement: segmental, regional, and whole body.

  • Segmental motion occurs between the individual joints of your body.
  • Regional movement occurs in a body region such as your neck, mid-back, or low back.
  • Whole-body movement is characterized by the actions we typically think of as exercise.

All three types are essential and work together to keep your spine and musculoskeletal system healthy and functioning at its best.

Let’s take a closer look…

  • Segmental Movement: Moving the individual joints of your body is what chiropractors are specifically trained to do. Proper segmental movement can help reduce pain, improve your range of motion, and influence your central nervous system.
  • Regional Movement: Dynamic stretching with regional range of motion exercises can reduce low back stiffness.
  • Whole Body Exercise: Daily exercise can help your brain and body feel better as well as improve your rest and recovery at night.
Chiropractic Care for All Natural Back Pain Relief

It’s easy to see why movement can be your most important ally when it comes to finding all natural relief from low back pain.

The foundation of all movement is segmental movement.

Take it from the leading lower back pain specialist in Singapore, if your joints aren't moving well, your body as a whole isn’t moving well, and you certainly aren’t going to be feeling well.

That’s where we come in.

Chiropractic care is a safe, natural, and effective way to help ensure your body is moving at its best so you can feel your best.

Harvard Health, The Mayo Clinic, and other established healthcare organizations have published numerous articles highlighting the benefits of chiropractic and movement-based treatment options.

Next Steps:

Moving may be the last thing you want to do if you're struggling with back pain, but research has repeatedly shown that movement and exercise are two of the best ways to find relief from back pain.

If you've dealt with back pain and especially if you are in Singapore, call us today.

Our team will be happy to provide you with a complete movement assessment and personalized exercise plan to help you get (and stay) well for years to come, naturally!

Science Source(s):

Back Pain. Harvard Health Publishing. 2023.
5 Steps to a Pain-Free Back. Harvard Health Publishing. 2016.

The Surprising Cause of Your Leg Pain: Your Back!

Let’s go ahead and lay all of our collective cards out on the table. Most of us spend way, way more time sitting at our computers or sitting down with our digital devices than we know we should. And, honestly, most of us are living with aches or pains as a result that we don’t really want anyone to know about. Our necks hurt. Our backs hurt. And our… legs… hurt? Yep. And if you spend your days working at a desk, we’re willing to bet you know exactly what we’re talking about. So, why does this happen and what can be done to help take care of all of the above? Read on.

Bottom Line:

It may seem odd to think that nagging leg, calf, or foot pain could be traced back to a low back problem…

But if you've had pain in your leg or foot, a pinched nerve in your low back may be creating your issue!

As the go-to back pain specialist in Singapore, this is something we see nearly every day in practice.

Pain that travels along a spinal nerve is called radicular pain, and it's one of the most common types of pain that occurs as a result of spinal nerve compression.

Nerve compression is often what causes back and leg pain to appear at the same time.

And if a nerve in your low back is compressed or "pinched", your body is sure to let you know.

Why it Matters:

Pain is your body's way of saying "pay attention inside now!"

It's your body's way of letting you know you’ve pushed past its limits.

When a nerve is compressed or irritated — be it from a herniated spinal disc, bone spur, or ligament overgrowth — it can become inflamed and painful.

What Causes Back and Leg Pain

Your spinal nerves can be pinched or compressed by a bone, disc, or ligament.

Let’s take a closer look at each scenario…

  • Bone Spurs: Bone spurs can form as a result of joint damage associated with osteoarthritis, and these can sometimes grow large enough to pinch your spinal nerves.
  • Disc Herniations: Disc herniations, bulges, or tears can invade the space of your nerves and that inflammation and pressure can cause narrowing of the canals.
  • Ligament Hypertrophy: Ligament hypertrophy (or overgrowth) can happen with age and injuries and lead to added pressure on your nerves.

Whichever of the above may be causing your pain, it's important to know that all have a great chance of recovering without the need for drugs or surgery.

Top research publications have shown that people struggling with sciatica pain can get fantastic results with chiropractic care.

The numbers don’t lie.

Since we’re talking about what causes back and leg pain, let’s use sciatica pain as an example.

In one widely circulated study, researchers observed that 89% of patients suffering from symptomatic sciatica responded very well to chiropractic adjustments.

In another recent study, researchers found that 60% of participants with symptomatic cases of sciatica benefitted from chiropractic adjustments to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention (again, without any of the risks!).

And what many may not know is that beyond adjustments, exercise and rehab can also help strengthen the muscles supporting your spine to reduce the likelihood of a relapse.

Next Steps:

Starting with chiropractic care is the smartest decision you can make.

In our practice in Singapore, we utilize various treatments, including adjustments, to correct spinal conditions such as herniated disc to help relieve your leg and back pain and help prevent it from recurring.

That’s a long way of saying our mission is to help people treat their compressed nerves and regain their quality of life.

Taking non-invasive steps to reduce inflammation, re-establishing proper joint motion, and taking proactive steps to reduce the likelihood of the pain coming back are all part of our care plans.

So, if you want to find out what’s causing your leg and low back pain, give us a call today!

Science Source(s):

Radiculopathy. Johns Hopkins Medicine. 2023.

The Problem with Relying on Medications for Low Back Pain

It’s safe to assume that all of us have an over-the-counter pain reliever like Aleve or Ibuprofen in our medicine cabinets at home. From a young age, we learn to have these on hand to help us find short-term relief from temporary headaches or other body aches and pains. We’re looking for immediate symptom relief… And that is ALL these medications are designed to do - to temporarily mask the symptoms. They are not intended to treat the underlying condition causing those symptoms. They are also not intended to be used long-term. When it comes to chronic low back pain, NSAIDs like these will not help you find long-term relief. So, if you’re one of the many living with low back pain in Singapore, here’s what you need to know.

Bottom Line:

Although NSAID medications can be purchased over the counter, it doesn't mean they don't have risks and dangers.

Over the past twenty years, we've seen the effects of low back pain change our healthcare landscape forever.

  • It’s estimated that 100,000 people are hospitalized each year from NSAID related complications.
  • Each day, it’s estimated that 100 people pass away as a result of opioid overdoses.

Leading healthcare organizations have taken note.

They’ve also taken note of the many benefits of chiropractic care for low back pain and now recommend that movement-based care options, such as chiropractic, should be explored for most low back issues before medications.

Why it Matters:

As chiropractors, we take a whole-body (holistic) approach to health and healing.

The World Health Organization supports chiropractic care and other non-invasive interventions for the treatment of acute, subacute, and especially chronic back pain.

In addition, Harvard Health, The Mayo Clinic, and other established healthcare organizations have published numerous articles highlighting the benefits of chiropractic and movement-based treatment options.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain

Most people who explore chiropractic care take far fewer medications than those who don't.

Why? Because it works.

Movement-based strategies such as spinal adjustments, controlled exercise, and dynamic stretching are a few of the most effective ways to relieve low back issues.

We see the effects first-hand every day at our chiropractic practice in Singapore.

And not only are movement-based strategies good at providing fast relief, but research strongly suggests that such conservative care interventions may also offer a preventative effect when continued over time.

That’s why the care that chiropractors deliver ranks at the top of nearly every list!

The use of heat, massage, acupuncture, mindfulness-based stress reduction, tai chi or yoga, and low-level laser therapy can also be beneficial for both back-specific and overall function improvements as well as improvements in your overall health-related quality of life.

Next Steps:

Medications are designed to mask the pain, not fix the problem.

Receiving a complete and comprehensive evaluation is the first step towards finding relief.

As a conservative care based practice, we believe in focusing on treating the root cause of an issue and ongoing prevention rather than treating and masking the symptoms.

After discovering the cause of your pain, we can work together to craft a care plan that will help you not only reduce your pain so you can reach your health goals.

If you or someone you know is struggling with low back pain and you’re ready to see a chiropractor who specializes in Singapore, call us today.

Our doors are open, and we’re here to help you get and stay out of back pain for years to come.

Science Source(s):

Receiving Usual Care Plus Chiropractic Care vs Usual Care Alone. Pain Med. 2022.

Noninvasive Treatments for Chronic Low Back Pain. American College of Physicians. 2017.