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Chiropractic Care for Expecting Families

Key Ways Expecting Families Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Bottom Line:

A woman's body undergoes many transformations during and after months of pregnancy.

Some of these changes are easily recognized, such as an expanding abdomen and episodes of morning sickness, while others less well known.

In fact, some common physiological changes can catch expecting mothers by surprise.

Why it Matters:

Before we dive into those changes, let’s start with the basics.

Throughout a woman’s pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is produced to help loosen the joints and ligaments of the pelvis in order to prepare the body for delivery.

And while relaxin relaxes (hence the name) the ligaments in and around the pelvis, it also does the same to other joints and ligaments all over the body.

This is one reason expecting mothers tend to develop back pain or sciatica symptoms (pain that starts in the back and then travels down the leg and into the foot).

It’s probably another reason you’ve been researching the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy you’ve heard about.

And all the while a baby continues to develop and grow, and that beautiful baby is pulling the pregnant woman’s center of gravity forward.

So, at any point during and after a pregnancy, that woman’s biomechanics, balance, and posture are in a constant state of flux, and these changes can place a lot of stress on the supporting structures and muscles in the low back.

Let’s recap…

  • Relaxin is a hormone produced during pregnancy to relax the joints and ligaments to prepare the pelvis for birth.
  • Relaxin also causes the other joints and ligaments of the body to "loosen" which can cause changes in a woman's normal movement patterns.
  • These altered movement patterns can often lead to low back pain and other joint pains throughout pregnancy and after.

If pregnancy is a part of your life in some way, know this. Taking steps to prevent and treat back pain can help reduce the risk of injury and the chances of developing long-term back pain.

That's where we come in.

Chiropractic is a safe and all-natural option for the care of back pain before, during, and after pregnancy, and our entire team is here for you.

Next Steps:

Pregnancy is both a special time in a woman’s life and a unique time for their body.

The changes that help facilitate a successful delivery can also wreak havoc on that mother’s back and joints.

So, if you or someone you know is experiencing pregnancy related back aches and pains and looking for natural and non-invasive pregnancy chiropractic care in Singapore, give us a call.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy, we’d be honored to help.

We’re also happy to work with your expecting family’s birth team to provide the safest and most effective care to keep everyone active and feeling their best throughout all three trimesters and beyond!

Science Source(s):

Back Pain in Pregnancy. University of Rochester Medical Center. 2022.

Why Expecting Families May Want a Chiropractor on Their Wellness Team

Bottom Line:

Did you know it's been estimated that over 85% of women experience back pain during pregnancy?

If that number caught you by surprise, here’s another question for you.

Did you know that as an expecting mother enters her second and third trimesters, their baby is pulling their center of gravity forward which causes the curve of their low back to increase?

Now that number is probably making more if not absolute sense.

We know that most expecting mothers will experience some level of increased stress on their low back, and that increased stress often leads to back aches and pain

So, what pain relief options are available for treating these pregnancy related pains?

Read on (especially if you’ve been looking for a chiropractor who treats pregnancy back pain in Singapore).

Why it Matters:

We have one last question for you to bring this full circle.

Did you know that spinal adjustments are considered a highly safe, effective, and evidence-based option for the care of pregnancy related aches and pains?

Odds are you did, and that’s why you’re here - to learn how chiropractic can help with pregnancy pain.

We can confirm, you’ve come to the right place.

What’s more is that in addition to gentle and non-invasive adjustments, chiropractors have the know-how to provide personalized pregnancy stage and condition specific exercise and stretching recommendations to help mothers successfully manage their pain.

And get this.

A recent study found that patients who received care from their OB-GYN and chiropractor had greater reductions in pain and improved quality of life than those who only saw an OB-GYN.

Here are some key points to remember as you consider chiropractic care…

  • It's estimated that 92% of women are advised by their doctor to exercise while pregnant.
  • Choosing the right pillows and finding the best stretches can dramatically reduce neck and mid-back pain during pregnancy.
  • The mechanical low back pain that women experience during pregnancy can often be relieved with spinal adjustments.

Next Steps:

We’ve got one last key statistic to share regarding how chiropractic can help with pregnancy pain.

It’s estimated that nearly 90% of women report having a high level of satisfaction with chiropractic during pregnancy.

It's no wonder that chiropractic is one of the most popular healthcare choices for expecting moms!

So, if reducing your stress, staying physically active, and reducing aches and pains interests you or an expecting mother close to you, then you'll want to consider having a chiropractor as a part of your growing family’s birth team.

Our expert team is standing by, and we’d be honored to serve you.

Science Source(s):

Optimizing Pain Relief During Pregnancy. Canadian Family Physician. 2013.

What Expecting Families Need to Know About NSAIDs and Medications

Bottom Line:

While expecting mothers may have a glow about them, they’re unfortunately no less immune to body aches and pains than the rest of us.

In fact, it's estimated that over 85% of women will deal with back pain at some point during and likely after their pregnancy.

And if there’s one thing we’ve learned in years of treating pregnant patients, it’s that finding relief without the use of over-the-counter and prescription medications is possible - and absolutely probable.

Here’s a quick overview of what your expecting family should know about pregnancy and medications and pregnancy and chiropractic adjustments.

Why it Matters:

It’s likely that you or an expecting mother you know have had their doctor caution that no medications should be taken without checking with them first.

It’s no secret that all medications come with some level of side effects, and these are often heightened during pregnancy.

Some medicines aren’t safe to take when a woman is pregnant, even those that are available over-the-counter.

For example, there have been preliminary studies that suggest over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen and other common NSAIDs may increase the risk of health challenges in newborns such as asthma and gastrointestinal problems, respectively.

The good news is that there is good news on this front.

Pregnancy and chiropractic adjustments go hand in hand’

The low back and other pregnancy-related pains that women often experience during pregnancy can usually be relieved with spinal adjustments.

To recap a few of the key points here…

  • NSAIDs cross from mother to baby easily through the placenta and can influence the production of prostaglandins.
  • Recent studies suggest that taking NSAIDs can increase the risks of asthma and hypertension in newborns.
  • Chiropractic care is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to manage pregnancy-related aches and pains.

Next Steps:

Yes, talking to your doctor about medication use before becoming pregnant is a smart idea.

And if you or a loved one close to you anticipates becoming pregnant, it's smart to be proactive with your health and explore natural ways to stay active and pain-free during your pregnancy.

As a trusted pregnancy chiropractor in Singapore who specializes in natural pain relief solutions, we can help.

Whether you’re ready to come in and start receiving chiropractic care or you’d like to stop in to get your questions answered, our expert team is just a phone call away.

We’d be honored to serve you and yours for trimesters and years to come!

Science Source(s):

Use of NSAIDs During Pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018.
NSAID Use During Pregnancy. Pharmacy Today. 2001.

Supporting Expecting Families Through a Healthy Birth

Bottom Line:

With all of the advancements in medical science, it may come as a surprise to you to learn that mother nature may very well know best when it comes to supporting a successful delivery for expecting mothers.

But when you think about it, maybe not.

After all, a woman's body is designed to support and nourish a baby, the natural delivery process is relatively simple, and it's been going on for hundreds of thousands of years!

So, what do you need to know as an expecting mother or member of an expecting family?

Read on.

Why it Matters:

In order to keep labor and birth as safe as possible, and to minimize the risk of complications, it is essential to respect the simple, natural, physiologic process of delivery.

That’s something our team knows all too well, and a big reason pregnancy and chiropractic care are suited for one another.

The use of intravenous lines, continuous monitoring, and restricted movement can increase a woman's overall stress levels which, in turn, can potentially interfere with the natural birthing process.

In other words, there are other ways to support an optimal delivery.

The World Health Organization recommends four best care practices to support a healthy birth.

Here’s a brief overview…

  • The WHO recommends letting labor begin on its own, as inducing labor can increase the risk of complications.
  • Next, the WHO recommends women move and change positions throughout labor to help it progress and potentially shorten the amount of time spent in labor.
  • The WHO also recommends bringing in a loved one or doula for support to help both improve the birth experience and potentially reduce the likelihood of C-section.
  • Finally, the WHO recommends avoiding interventions that aren't necessary such as continuous electronic monitoring which hasn't been shown to provide better outcomes for the baby and may increase the risk of C-section.

Next Steps:

Having a child is a special time for an expecting family, and no decisions should be taken lightly.

It's essential to understand and respect our body's natural ability to navigate the process.

And if you’ve been looking for a holistic pregnancy chiropractor in Singapore, know that our team is here to empower our patients and their families to create the birth experience that makes sense for them.

We're proud to work with midwives, doulas, and OB-GYNs in this community to help those of you navigating pregnancy do just that through education, adjustments, massage, and more!

Pregnancy and chiropractic care go hand in hand, and our supportive team would be honored to be a part of your wellness team.

Science Source(s):

Safe, Healthy Birth. What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know. J Perinat Educ. 2009.